PRACTICAL HANDBOOK ON PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING, 3RD EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED, ENLARGED & UPDATED 2015, is more than ever in line with current methodologies and procedures in practice. Salient Features: Entirely new additions on burning issues: Global Warming-a defining challenge of our times, extreme events, their impact on water resources and National Adaptation Strategies. Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance. Water Conservation, Reuse of Waste Water, Water Harvesting, Ground Water Recharge and Integrated Water Shed Management Traditional Water Sources and Their Rejuvenation. Commissioning of Newly Completed Water Supply Schemes-Pre-commissioning measures extremely vital. Eco-san, Scada, Telemetry, 24X7 System, Desalination etc. Authoritative and comprehensive data. Represents collective experience of large body of experts in the field both from within and outside India.