Fundamentals of Visistadvaita Vedanta - 3rd Reprint 2016 by S. M. S. Chari
A Study Based on Vedanta Desika`s Tattva Mukta Kalapa
The doctrine of Visistadvaita, expounded by Ramanuja, was developed into a sound system of philosophy by the most brilliant of his successors, Venkatanatha, `popularly known as Vedanta Desika`. His chief contribution to the intellectual foundation of the system lay in the composition of the text of Tattva-mukta-kalapa, a treatise of significant philosophical import left for posterity. In this volume, which is a study of Visistadvaita based on Tattva-mukta-kalapa, the line of arguments advanced by Vedanta Desika is closely followed. The major and important issues related to the philosophy of Visistadvaita--its basic ontological and epistemological approach, the concept of individual self, God and universe, the idea of sadhana and mukti, and the doctrine of substance and attribute--are all brought within the purview of discussion. The contemporary rival schools represented by Carvakas, Buddhists and Jainas, Nyaya-Vaisesikas, Mimamsakas and the Advaitins, of both orthodox and unorthodox camps, are successfully encountered. In the textual light of Tattva-mukta-kalapa, the notion that Visistadvaita is a theological system is dispelled, and its philosophic core is established beyond doubt. The author maintains `the original orthodox style, so characteristic of the ancient Acaryas`, in his delineation of topics; yet the exposition remains free from all kinds of scholastic trappings. The volume is a definitive study of Visistadvaita doctrines, both in their `philosophical as well as theological aspects`. Its in-depth probe of `the fundamental epistemological and philosophical issues...common to all schools` both in the East and the West makes its appeal to those interested `in understanding the basic problems of philosophy`.