Facets of Media Law 3rd Reprint Edition 2022 by Madhavi Goradia Divan
What is the authoritative legal treatise on Media Law in India has been thoroughly revised in this, its second edition. The earlier chapters have been updated to reflect recent decisions and statutory changes and, importantly, entirely new sections of contemporary relevance have been added.
Of particular interest are those on cinema and emerging trends, both of immediate relevance today. Issues such as the infamous Radia Tapes controversy, the live coverage of the 26/11 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the Arab Spring and the role that the media and modern communications technology played in those momentous event, and on the ongoing debate on media self regulation are addressed with insight and clarity in fluid and accessible writing. In a time when the judiciary is repeatedly accused of encroaching on the legislative and executive domains and, simultaneously, the Fourth Estate is criticized for usurping the functions of the judiciary, the relevance and importance of this work to law practitioners, students and the general public cannot be underestimated.