EBCs Central Acts of India 1834-2019 Repealed and Unrepealed by Bimal N Patel, Edition 2019
With the enactment of Finance Act, 2019, Act 7 of 2019, the total number of Acts enacted since 1834 are 6,779. For historical purposes, till the end of 1946, 2724 Acts were enacted. Between 1947 and 1950, 267 Acts were enacted and between 1950 and 1990, 2,498 Acts were enacted and since 1991, 1,288 Acts have been enacted.
The volume will be useful to students to understand the history of law making of India during colonial period and since independence. Law makers can point at their contribution in the Acts listed in this volume. One can almost become nostalgic in recalling the debates and arguments in the halls of Parliament that would have taken place while a particular law was formed. The volume will be certainly useful to executives as they can ascertain whether a particular Act in force has executives as they can ascertain whether a particular Act in force has any previous history. Members of bar and judiciary will certainly find this useful as they may see which laws are in force, partially repealed or fully repealed and also they may suggest which laws need to be further removed from the statute books.