Guide to Competition Act, 2002 8th Edition 2020 by S M Dugar
Guide to Competition Act, 8th edition is a detailed section-wise commentary on the Competition Act, extensively and meticulously revised to incorporate the legislative and case law developments that has taken place post the publication of the last edition. The book discusses in detail the provisions dealing with anti-competitive agreements; prohibition of certain agreements, abuse of dominant position; regulation of combinations; establishment, composition, powers, duties and functions of the Competition Commission of India; competition Advocacy, etc.
It is a section wise commentary divided into suitable chapters and headings to put the law in context for the readers. The section relating to Appendices has been duly revised and updated. The new notifications and regulations that have been enforced since the last publication have been discussed in detail and mentioned at the appropriate places.
The commentary includes the twin judgements - Excel Crop. Care Ltd Vs Competition Commission of India and Competition Commission of India Vs Co-ordination Committee of Artists and Technicians of W.B. Film and Television, where the Supreme Court has discussed interpretation of concepts like