IRCSP61-2004 An Approach Document on Whole Life Costing for Bridges in India by Indian Road Congress
Personnel of the Bridges Specifications and Standards Committee (i) & (ii)
Background I
1. Introduction 2
2. Scope 5
3. Application of WLC for Bridge Management 5
3.1. General 5
3.2 Definition of'Life' of a Bridge 5
3.3. Planning and Prioritizing Allocation of Resources for Strengthening/ 6
Rehabilitation/Replacement/Repairs of Existing Bridge Stock at Network Level
3.4. Choosing between Alternative's Rehabilitation/Strengthening/Repair Schemes 7
for an Existing Bridge
3.5. Comparative Assessment of Design/Construction Solutions for a New Bridge 7
3.6. WLC in Evaluating Foreseeable Replacement 8
4. Components of WLC for Bridges 9
4.1. Costs 9
4.1.1. Initial costs 9
4.1.2. Post-construction cost 9
4.1.3. Indirect and other possible costs 9
4.1.4. Costing for environmental impact 9
4.2. Cost Function 9
5. Methods of Evaluation II
5.1. Simple Payback II
5.2. Present Value 11
5.3. Net Present Value (NPV) 12
5.4. Internal Rate of Return 16
5.5. Other Possible Ranking Decisions 16
6. Sensitivity Analysis 16
6.1. Examples of Sensitivity Analysis 17
7. Step-by-Step Approach to the use of WLC 21
8. WLC & Management 22
8.1. WLC as a Management Tool 22
8.2. WLC as a Management System 22
8.3. Bridge Management System 23
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