The Constitution of India 14th Coat Pocket Edition 2022 by Gopal Sankaranarayanan
The new Coat Pocket Edition has been updated up to the constitution (One Hundred and Third Amendment) Act, 2022. Some of the important decisions have also been given at relevant places.
Special Features:-
1. Foreword by Mr.K.K Venugopal, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India.
2. Special Feature: Making of the Indian Constitution by Prof. Ranbir Singh, VC, NLU, Delhi.
3. About India, Coverage Government and Political structure, Geography, Population and economy.
4. Comparative Chart of Indian and U.S Constitutions.
5. Table of Amendments and Provisions Altered, Inserted, Repeated.
6. List of Larger Bench Decisions.
7. List of Chief Justices of India.
8. Compact size makes it convenient to carry.
9. Easy to use and cite in court.